A Free Financial Model Template for Your Business.
A few months ago, I had a couple of foreign investors who showed interested in investing in my business and after the first two meetings, they all backed out.
Personally, I see "NO", as an opportunity to learn something new. So, I decided to do a follow-up on them to know why they have to back out.
Here's a summary of their individual responses:
"Hello Igwe, you have an amazing personality, experience, leadership, and willpower to drive great success, we do love what you are building, and would definitely love to work with you. Unfortunately, we don't think you currently understand the important numbers of your business and there are no clear predictions from you about the future finances of your company that will help you see and analyze new opportunities, anticipate the future, and make possible important changes moving forward."
That was an entirely new learning curve for me.
After that experience, I decided that I was not only going to figure that out just for myself alone but for millions of other entrepreneurs who have over time built capacity and the experience needed to build great businesses but still don’t have strong knowledge and understand about the numbers and future financial of their businesses.
Through the help of a few experienced professionals and mentors, I was able to successfully fix that one big challenge for myself which recently helped me unlock great opportunities for my business.
But the complete success for me will be to see other entrepreneurs successfully figure that out too for their businesses. Especially for those in Africa, South-East, and South-South region of Nigeria with limited access to financial education and tools for business growth.
That's my biggest inspiration to creating this universal financial template that will help startup founders and companies in simple steps, build the financial model for their businesses just in 5 minutes.
This template is designed specifically for growth-driven startups and companies with the dreams and aspirations to build million-dollar businesses.
So if you need to build or rebuild the financial model for your business, use the link below to get a copy of advanced financial modeling template designed just for your business.
(You might need to copy and open this link on Chrome or any other browser on your device to be able to access it).
Feel free to share with other business owners and I hope to make out time soon to run series of webinars on how to effectively maximize this financial template.
Your friend 😍,
Igwe Uguru
Tech Entrepreneur